DigiTrainer | Events | News | RehaCom | RehaGait | RehaIngest | RehaMove | 15.11.2019

Medica 2019: Innovative HASOMED medical devices at the World Forum of Medicine

Medical devices for rehabilitation - this is what HASOMED GmbH from Germany is specialized in. Systems such as RehaCom, RehaMove or DigiTrainer for the treatment of cognitive and motoric deficits using biofeedback, neurofeedback or electrostimulation. These systemes are internationally established in clinics and practices. Further development of the systems guarantees adaptable application possibilities that correspond to modern medical procedures. Therefore, they are suitable for many years during rehabilitation. Visitors to Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf can convince for themselves.

From November 18th to 21st, HASOMED will present not only the computer-aided cognitive system RehaCom, but also the DigiTrainer for hand and finger therapy, the swallowing measurement system RehaIngest for the treatment of swallowing disorders (dysphagia), and RehaGait, which can be used to analyze gait disorders.

HASOMED is not only interested to show and demonstrate their solutions. At our booth, medical practitioners and therapists are best informed how the therapy systems from HASOMED can be used internationally in practices and clinics.

Medica 2019

Date: 18 - 21 November 2019
Location: Messe Düsseldorf

HASOMED @ Medica: Hall 04, Booth K31

Online you will find further information about Medica 2019

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