RehaCom – Cognitive Therapy

What is RehaCom?

RehaCom is a comprehensive and sophisticated system of software for computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation. This practical tool assists the therapist in the rehabilitation of cognitive disorders that affect specific aspects of attention, concentration, memory, perception, activities of daily living and much more.
By solving tasks, brain processes will be activated and important brain functions will be improved or restored. Successful training means that the user will be better able to cope with the challenges of everyday life. RehaCom can be used even at a very acute stage of injury - and remains relevant through all stages of recovery. Training modules can easily be selected based on a cognitive assessment or by using the growing number of Screening Modules.
Training in mother tongue The software has about 30 modules and is also available in 27 other native languages, so patients can work in their mother tongue. The software is auto-adaptive so the difficulty level will rise and fall depending on the performance of the patient. After a period of therapy inside a facility, the patient can also be supervised at home, over the internet, by using RehaCom’s remote supervised training option.
In addition to clinical therapy with RehaCom, patients can also be treated at home. The RehaCom home training is designed for this purpose and can be controlled and monitored by the therapist.

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What are the main benefits of RehaCom?

For the Clinician

Rooted In Science he system has been developed by and for neuropsychologists over the last 20 years. Although it feels like a game, it is rooted in science and clinically proven. Multiple Language Options The software is available in 27 languages at no extra cost, so clients can train in their native language. About 30 modules are available in the English language. Universal Use The procedures cover all stages of rehabilitation. Training can start as soon as possible after ABI and continue all the way through rehabilitation. Deficit Specific The modules cover all cognitive deficits including attention, reaction, memory, and higher executive functions. This means deficits can be targeted and specifically trained. Auto-Adaptive The system is auto-adaptive, meaning the activity will get harder or easier depending on the performance of the client. This ensures steady progression and reduces frustration for the client. Screening RehaCom offers a number of Screening Modules to detect impairments and recommend corresponding cognitive training modules. Regular screening can also help show progression and provide detailed reporting. Remote Supervision Supervised training over the internet is available with Internet licenses. You can prescribe a training programme and monitor your clients remotely. Maximise Therapy Time Reinforce therapy strategies using RehaCom modules. It will enable you to work more efficiently with your clients and after a number of sessions, they can even work alone.

For the Patient

Improved Cognitive Function With consistent use the patient will see clear improvement in areas of cognitive deficit. Many tasks will reinforce the strategies of their therapist and maximise their recovery. Individual The software is adaptable to the patient. They can work in their native language, allow for visual deficits and even use familiar stimuli - such as family images - within the training. Remote Working RehaCom can be used remotely with therapist supervision over the internet. This means they can continue working on modules and reinforcing therapy strategies outwith their regular sessions, improving their recovery. Resists Frustration The modules auto-adapt to the patient’s success. When they find a task difficult they will find it gets easier until they can cope. If it is relatively easy the software will introduce a little more challenge and prevent boredom.

How does RehaCom work?

RehaCom has evolved to become the leading European tool for computer-based cognitive rehabilitation, with over 95 % of German rehabilitation clinics using RehaCom every day! This is not a brain training tool for amusement - although it is engaging to use. It was designed by clinicians and engineers to deliver real-world benefits for users with cognitive issues following a brain injury. With RehaCom you can have an unlimited number of Therapist and Client profiles. Clients can be assigned to multiple therapists as required. You only need some basic information to create a profile but there is scope to add much more if required. Once you have created a Client Profile you might want to try one or two Screening Modules to get an idea of their current status and get suggestions for starting modules.


There is a number of screening modules available for use, and these are improving and expanding on each release. Each screening module lasts around 15mins, so you may not want to test all of them in one go. We generally recommend beginning with Alertness screening as it points towards any attention deficits, which are the cornerstone of cognitive function. The screening module begins with an example and a practice session to make sure the client understands the task. Once this is complete the screening will begin. After screening the results page will show you where the client’s performance sits against aged matched norms. This gives a helpful indication as to the severity of the deficit and advises on the particular training module to be used. You can link directly to the training module from the results screen.


There are about 30 training modules available in English, and this number is steadily growing. Once the therapist knows which module to select they can double click on the icon and select a number of variables from the Parameters screen. Including:
  • Duration of session
  • Starting Level of the session
  • How sensitive the adaptivity should be
There are additional module specific variables available including:
  • time limit to solving tasks
  • audio feedback
  • stimuli choices and more
Once the therapist is satisfied the client can begin training (with or without setup instructions from the RehaCom system). As the training goes on, the task will become easier or harder depending on the client’s performance. This means that it can remain challenging without becoming frustrating. Training can always be paused or instructions repeated if necessary.


Once the training is complete the therapist can review the session from the Results screen. There is a wealth of data included that becomes more rich as the software is used more frequently. The data can be presented in a variety of ways including charts, graphs and comparisons. The most commonly read results are:
  • Level progression
  • No. of mistakes made
  • Time taken for each task
By analysing the data thoroughly the therapist is able to identify particular weaknesses e.g. noticing auditory stimuli, and address this further in the training.

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Which English training modules does RehaCom offer?

The RehaCom system has been developed by and for neuropsychologists. Each module has been designed to train a specific deficit. Years of research, testing and adapting have gone into making this the most deficit specific software on the market. The design may look simplistic but this is intentional. Any extra, unimportant stimuli may affect the performance of the client. There are no sudden or negative stimuli that could upset or frighten a patient. This gives the patient the best chance for success. This is a nurturing and supportive system. Each module begins at Level 1 which can be used even at the most acute stages of recovery. Modules can progress upwards of 50 levels and remain challenging all the way through recovery. Each module is adaptable through its own specific set of parameters giving you incredible control.

Attention Training

RehaCom mit REVE
Attention disorders are very common in both neurological and psychiatric patients and affect all areas of life. While in everyday life a uniform concept is assumed and spoken of as "attention", science distinguishes between various subfunctions, such as alertness, sustained attention and selective attention. Depending on the disease or damage localization in the brain, different attention functions can be disturbed and require specific training.

Memory Training

RehaCom mit VIDE
Impairment of memory occurs both after brain damage and after psychiatric illness. A distinction is made between different forms of memory (e.g. working, short-term, long-term memory). In most cases, the absorption and permanent storage of new information is disturbed, while the retrieval of already stored information is preserved. For affected patients, memory deficits often have serious consequences. These can be reduced by training, but above all by teaching compensation strategies.

Executive Functions Training

RehaCom mit LODE
Executive functions is a collective term for various higher order mental processes associated with action planning or goal-oriented behavior. Patients with deficits in the executive functions show difficulties in planning and adhering to rules, often have little sense of social norms and problems in suppressing undesirable behaviour. Executive functions are closely linked to the frontal brain. Neurological diseases or injuries of the frontal brain as well as psychiatric diseases (e.g. schizophrenia) show abnormalities here.

Visual Field Training

Visual field failures are frequent side effects after stroke or hypoxic brain damage. The visual information is transmitted from the eye via the optic nerve and via the visual radiation to the occipital lobe for processing. If these nerve tracts are damaged, the required visual information no longer arrives there and cannot be processed - resulting in a visual field failure. Those affected have particular difficulties with reading and visual orientation. Targeted training can significantly reduce the effects on everyday life.

Visuo-Motor abilities

Human movement is based on the coordination of different motor, visual and proprioceptive systems. In numerous everyday "fine motor" activities such as using cutlery or tools, the exact coordination of eyes, head and hands is essential. During motor activity, visual control plays an essential role - especially in the learning stage of movement sequences. Brain damage to the motor or sensory area, but also to the spatial or visual system, can result in serious difficulties of visuomotor function.

Which screening modules does RehaCom offer?

The RehaCom Screening modules were created to assist therapists in choosing which training modules to best use with their clients. RehaCom is a therapy tool so the screenings are not intended to replace comprehensive diagnostics, but rather guide the therapist into prescribing the most effective module for their deficit - based against any deviation from the norms. The results of the screenings are displayed graphically along a bar chart which shows your client’s results alongside aged matched norms. You are also able to dig much deeper into the specifics of the task - although this is not necessary to do. If the screening has identified a deficit, RehaCom will recommend a training module to commence with. Screenings can be performed every few weeks to measure progress and to adjust the prescription if necessary.

Alertness (ALET)

In this module the tonic alertness, the phasic alertness, and intrinsic alertness are measured. The first stage of the test is to measure the response time while the user has to push a button as soon as a fully filled square appears on the screen. In the second stage, response time to the same visual stimulus is measured while a signal sound is heard before the square appears. The client has to wait until the square appears on the screen to push the button, not reacting on the sound.

Selective Attention (GONT)

This screening measures the ability to react fast on certain stimuli and to inhibit reactions on other (GoNogo paradigm). In everyday life it is essential to suppress reactions in favour of internally controlled behavior. The mean reaction times and errors are recorded.

Campimetry (KAMP)

The field of vision can be examined binocularly or monocularly using the screening campimetry. In contrast to the three-dimensional perimetry, the campimetry is two-dimensional. In the test, stimuli appear on the screen at random intervals at different positions. While the client keeps his gaze fixed on a central point on the screen, he should perceive these stimuli and confirm them as quickly as possible with the answer button. To control the fixation, the fixation point changes its colour or shape at irregular intervals. The change of colour should also be confirmed as quickly as possible with the answer key. Before performing the test, parameters such as screen size, distance from eye to screen, size of the measuring matrix, as well as the eye to be tested, can be set.

Divided Attention (GEAT)

In this module the client has to solve a visual and an auditive task simultaneously. One trial contains 80 visual stimuli with about 15 % relevant stimuli as well as 160 auditive stimuli with approximately 10 % relevant stimuli. For a visual as well as an auditive stimulus, the client has to push the same button on the keyboard. Both tasks start at the same time.

Working Memory (PUME)

In this module, it will be determined the visual-spatial memory span and the visual-spatial memory function. It is also used for testing the implicit visual-memory learning and the working memory.

Spatial Numbers Search (NUQU)

In this module basal cognitive performance and selective attention are tested. In addition the test can be used for screening a visual neglect. The basal cognitive performance is associated in literature with perceptual speed. By selective attention is meant the ability to turn themselves to the relevant stimulus of a stimuli constellation and ignore irrelevant stimuli of this constellation, over a short time period. This task is deduced from the well-known “Digits-Connection-Test” developed by Oswald and Roth 1987.

Memory For Words (WOMT)

This screening measures the client’s ability to memorise and recognise words. Firstly, the client is shown two words at the same time and must indicate whether the words are different or identical. In the second stage, the client will be shown one word at a time on the screen. The client must indicate whether this is the first time the word has appeared, or whether it has appeared before. This module requires the client to use their long-term memory and recognition methods to complete successfully.

Logical Reasoning (LOGT)

This screening measures the client’s ability to complete a sequence. It examines if the client can identify irregularities and is able to draw logical conclusions. Visual material similar to intelligence tests used by Weiss, Cattell, Horn Sturm and Melchers is used. A visual sequence of four blocks will be displayed on the screen. They must complete the sequence correctly by selecting a 5th block from the options available. This screening is an important part of executive function diagnostics.

Visual Field (VITE)

This screening measures the visual field and fixation accuracy of the client. In many hospitals, clinics and outpatient facilities, assessment of the visual field is difficult. This module provides them with an accurate tool. The client will be asked to focus on a circle in the centre of the screen. He must indicate when he sees that circle fills with colour. He must also indicate when a line appears from this circle with another circle on its end. He must not react if there is no circle at the end of the line. The results can be printed as a visual field map.

Who can use RehaCom?

Clinician Use

RehaCom is used extensively by neuropsychologists, occupational therapists and clinicians in rehabilitation centres, hospitals and clinics (both public and private). RehaCom is now used in 95 % of German rehabilitation clinics and extensively across the globe including most of Europe and Asia.

Internet Use

Increasingly RehaCom is being used over the internet. Therapists can prescribe modules for their patients to do, monitor progress and change their tasks using remote supervision. This is particularly favoured by Occupational Therapists working in the community who have a wide area to cover, or wish to enhance their patient’s therapy.

Patient Use

RehaCom has a wide range of applications but is used most commonly by those with acquired brain injury, including stroke. It can be used from the most acute stages, all the way through their recovery. RehaCom can also be useful for those with MS, ADHD, Depression and Visual Field difficulties. There are no contraindications to using the RehaCom system.

What is RehaCom home training?

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Weitere Informationen

Telehealth Cognitive Rehabilitation - Staying connected through RehaCom home training via internet

The therapy of cognitive disorders requires longer treatment time. The patient can continue the therapy started in the clinic under supervision at home. The therapist prepares a specific therapy plan for this. This plan is stored on an internet server. The patient downloads the plan and conducts the training at home. The results are automatically saved on the server. The aim is to ensure the continuous transition of the patient's cognitive therapy from the clinic or private practice via neuropsychology, occupational therapy or speech therapy, to training at home. Every day the patient has a program of various training modules planned for his rehabilitation needs. The therapist supervises and monitors the execution and the results of the home training, whereby the training plan is adapted to the individual needs and the actual performance. The therapist always has the opportunity to monitor the course of therapy and respond directly to fluctuating performances. The involvement of relatives is possible and desired for those with a particularly distinctive disorder. In the long term, this is the only way to sustainably improve the participation of those affected.

RehaCom Testimonials

Which version of RehaCom is current?

RehaCom is currently available in version 6.9. With this version, the various training modules have been changed and the functional errors have been fixed.

System requirements for RehaCom 6.10.2

Operating System:

Windows 10


Intel Core i3, i5, i7 6th generation or equivalent



Video Card:

DirectX 10.1, Intel HD530 or higher (at least 2 GB graphics memory)

Hard Disk:

10 GB free




Size according to patient requirements; minimum resolution 1024 x 768 px for step size 100 %, with a font size of 120 % 1024 pixels are required vertically

DVD Drive:

to install the software (alternatively via USB/network)


RehaCom panel, RehaCom keyboard


Printer, Mouse, Speaker

Which product options of RehaCom are available?

Depending on the country you are based there may be a number of different package configurations available to you. The main thing to consider when you want to use RehaCom is whether you wish to use it online to remotely supervise your clients. The main differences are: Non-Internet Licenses
  • Usually stored on a panel or dongle
  • Fixed term unlimited use
  • Unlimited therapists and clients
  • No remote training ability
Internet Licenses
  • Activated by code over the server
  • Available on a Pay-As-You-Go basis
  • Unlimited therapists and clients
  • Full remote training and supervision ability
There are also complementary products for use with the RehaCom system: A special custom panel or type of keyboard to allow clients with severe motor impairments to use the software and interact with the computer. Intended for visual field related training is the chin rest. This product allows the client to stay in a comfortable and reproducible position in front of the monitor, therefore maintaining the same viewpoint throughout the training session.
If you would like more information about RehaCom or purchase options, please contact our sales partners in your area.

What are the frequently asked questions about RehaCom (FAQ)?

Media Center

For Therapists and Doctors
  • RehaCom

    Studies overview

  • RehaCom

    Guideline for Arabic speaking countries

    1st Edition by Dr. Huda Jameel Abdul Ghani

  • RehaCom


  • RehaCom


  • RehaCom


User Manuals for Screenings
  • Campimetry (KAMP)
  • Alertness (ALET)
  • Divided Attention (GEAT)
  • Logical Reasoning (LOGT)
  • Memory for Words (WOMT)
  • Selective Attention (GONT)
  • Spatial Numbers Search (NUQU)
  • Visual Field (VITE)
  • Working Memory (PUME)
User Manuals for Modules
  • Restoration Training (RESE)
  • Acoustic Responsiveness (AKRE)
  • Alertness Training (ALTA)
  • Attention and Concentration (AUFM)
  • Calculations (CALC)
  • Divided Attention (GEAU)
  • Divided Attention 2 (GEA2)
  • Exploration 2 (EXO2)
  • Figural Memory (BILD)
  • Logical Reasoning (LODE)
  • Memory for Words (WORT)
  • Memory Strategy Training (LEST)
  • Physiognomic Memory (GESI)
  • Plan a Vacation (PLAN)
  • Reaction Behaviour (REVE)
  • Responsiveness (REA1)
  • Saccadic Training (SAKA)
  • Shopping (EINK)
  • Spatial Operations 2 (SPOT)
  • Spatial Operations 3D (RO3D)
  • Sustained Attention (SUSA)
  • Topological Memory (MEMO)
  • Two-Dimensional Operations (VRO1)
  • Verbal Memory (VERB)
  • Vigilance (VIGI)
  • Vigilance 2 (VIG2)
  • Visuo-Constructional Ability (KONS)
  • Visuo-Motor Coordination (WISO)
  • Working Memory (WOME)




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